Taking Your Teaching and Supervising Exams

Once you have been endorsed in a TEW, you become a Provisional Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (PTSTA) and can sign a contract with a TSTA (your principal supervisor) and enter a training period to work towards becoming a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (TSTA). This contract needs to be signed within 1 year of the TEW and is valid for 7 years. During this training period, you as a PTSTA can teach and supervise under the supervision of your principal supervisor. At the end of the training period, you take an oral examination before an international board of examiners.

If you pass the exam you are a then a TSTA. Some candidates may wish to qualify only in teaching (TTA) or supervising (STA). Becoming certified as a trainer and/or supervisor can take up to 5-7 years, depending on time devoted. A TSTA contract may be extended just one time, provided that there is no time gap between the first and the second contract.

To be eligible, candidates must:

  • Be certified by IBOC or COC as a CTA
  • Have a current training contract with IBOC or COC
  • Have examined at least 5 times at different exam events (in person or through online platform) during the period of their training contract
  • Submit 3 letters of endorsement:
    • from current supervisor
    • from other TSTAs who have supervised the candidate’s work

Additionally, the candidate’s principal supervisor must have examined in 3 TSTA examination venues during TSTA training contract with the candidate.

TTA – Teaching Transactional Analyst

To be eligible for TTA examination, the candidate must fulfill criteria set out in section 11.2.1. The letters of endorsement must cover their teaching.

In addition, the candidate must have:

  • Satisfactorily completed a TEW in ethics, teaching and training, approved by IBOC or COC
  • 400 hours of experience teaching TA within which must include:
    • At least 30% of the required professional training hours in TA (30% of 300 = 90 hours) in the field you want to be examined.
    • 45 hours of teaching, must be supervised by a TSTA who is a member of EATA or ITAA, of which 20 hours must be live. Live supervision can be done F2F, via an online platform or via a recording.
    • Supervision of the TA 101 does not count as part of required supervision hours.
  • Complete 100 hours of continuing professional education/development
  • Give at least 12 hours of presentations at conferences & professional meetings, 6 of which must be national or international meetings.

STA – Supervising Transactional Analyst

To be eligible for STA examination, the candidate must fulfill criteria set out in section 11.2.1.

The letters of endorsement must cover their supervision.

In addition, the candidate must have:

  • Satisfactorily completed a TEW in ethics, teaching and training, approved by IBOC or COC
  • 400 hours of experience supervising TA in individual or group supervision This must include:
    • A minimum of 40 hours of supervision each for at least 2 supervisees. 45 hours of the total supervision hours need to have been supervised by a TSTA, of which at least 20 must be live.
    • Complete 100 hours of continuing education/development.

TSTA – Eligibility for exam as Teaching & Supervising TA

To be eligible for TSTA examination, the candidate must fulfill the criteria set out in sections 11.2.1.

The combination of Teaching & Supervision hours that need to be logged is 800, of which at least 300 hours must be Teaching and 300 hours must be Supervision. The remaining 200 hours may be either. Letters of endorsement must cover both supervision and teaching.

Examination Timetable
Not later than six clear months before the date of the examination, the candidate should pay the examination fees, consulting their organization to check the procedures and amounts, and send the following to the IBOC Office:

  • notification of their intent to take the TSTA, TTA or STA examination using the examination application form (see Form 12.11.4);
  • the completed principal supervisor’s certification form (12.11.6).

CONTRACTS via Online

TSTA Contract    12.6.2

Change of Supervisor   12.6.3

Exceptions   12.6.4

Expansions    12.6.5


TSTA Oral Exam

Application for Exam   12.11.4

Supervisor’s Certification to TSTA Exam   12.11.6

TSTA Contract    12.6.2

List of TA101 Topics for Teaching Examination (12.11.1)
PTSTA Annual Summary Report (12.11.2)
PTSTA Principal Supervisor’s Annual Summary Report (12.11.3)
TSTA Examination Application Form (12.11.4)
Acknowledgement of Items Received for TSTA Examination (12.11.5)
Principal Supervisor’s Certification TSTA Examination (12.11.6)
TSTA Scoring Sheet Theory, Organization and Ethics Segment (12.11.7)
TSTA Scoring Sheet Teaching Segment (12.11.8)
TSTA Scoring Sheet Supervision Segment (12.11.9)
TSTA Contract (12.6.2)
Examiners Evaluation Form (12.7.13)
Examination Supervisor’s Report (12.7.4)