Scholarship and Grants
To make training in transactional analysis affordable to more people around the world, we make available the Eric Berne Fund For The Future, the Scholarship Grant Fund, and the TAlent Program.
The Eric Berne Fund for The Future

Priority is given to proposals that demonstrate an interest in evaluating the effectiveness of various applications of transactional analysis theory. Priority is given to applicants who have demonstrated a high level of competency in the theory and practice of TA. The amount of the award is determined by the total monies available within the Fund each fiscal year, the amount of money already distributed, and the specific amount of money requested in each proposal.
The Scholarship Grant Fund

The Scholarship Grant Fund is designed to financially support training in transactional analysis for ITAA members with limited financial means and with a commitment to becoming certified. Grants may be considered for:
- Training in transactional analysis, including training fees, tuition for ongoing training or selected workshops, room and board (related to residential training programs only), books and supplies, contract filing fees, and both written and oral exam fees.
- Attending an ITAA conference in the form of a registration fee waiver for the main conference. (Awards are not considered for preconference workshops, travel, or room and board.)
- ITAA dues waiver for hardship reasons.
Grants are available to any ITAA member who has been a member for one year prior to making an application.
The TAlent Program