Awards of Recognition
The Eric Berne Memorial Award
in Transactional Analysis
The Eric Berne Memorial Award in TA was established to recognize individuals who have made major contributions to transactional analysis. It is an award that recognizes the writing and publication of original and highly significant creative works that constitute major advances to the development of the field of transactional analysis. To be eligible for nomination, the contribution must have been published in a professional journal, book, or publication at least three years prior to being nominated. The nominee(s) must be members in good standing of the ITAA.
For more information, please see the Call for Nominations for the Eric Berne Memorial Award In Transactional Analysis. Complete details for this award can be found in the EBMA Operations Manual.

Trudi Newton, the 2023 recipient of the Eric Berne Memorial Award.

Mark Widdowson, the 2017 recipient of the ITAA Research Award.
The ITAA Research Award
The ITAA Research Award acknowledges and celebrates research in transactional analysis. This award will not compete with the Eric Berne Memorial Award (EBMA) but seek to complement it in various ways. Unlike the EBMA, it will be open to anyone, not just members of the ITAA, and can be awarded to an individual or a team of researchers. Nominated work will also not be required to show the development and establishment of new theory but may focus on the effectiveness of current theory and practice. Research will be the necessary focus rather than simply an option.
For more information, please see the ITAA Guidelines for the Operation of the ITAA Research Award.
The Muriel James Living Principles Award
The Muriel James Living Principles Award was established to recognize members of the ITAA who have advanced the growth of transactional analysis by personal example as well as by contributions of an exceptional and lasting nature. Personal example involves consistently living the principles of transactional analysis, which includes but is not limited to clear Adult thinking, joyful creativity, compassionate ethics, and a lack of gaminess in transactions with others. Such a person models egalitarian relationships and promotes an “I’m OK – You’re OK” atmosphere in both professional and personal arenas. The nominee will have demonstrated commitment, concern, and caring for both individuals and the world community and will be active in the international advancement of the principles of transactional analysis either professionally or personally.
For more information, please see the ITAA Guidelines for Nominations and Granting of the Muriel James Living Principles Award.

C. Suriyaprakash, the 2013 recipient of the Muriel James Living Principles Award.

Donna Marie Perry, 2011 Hedges Capers Humanitarian Award recipient with John Heath, ITAA President.
The Hedges Capers Humanitarian Award
The Hedges Capers Humanitarian Award was established to recognize members of the ITAA who have made significant, enduring contributions to humanity in keeping with the ideals and ethics of the ITAA. These contributions are primarily seen as activities that promote the welfare of humankind, especially through the alleviation or elimination of pain and suffering. Members of the ITAA who make such contributions do so at the cost of personal risk and/or sacrifice. The humanitarian activities may form a lifelong pattern or be expressed in a single, widely noted occurrence.
For more information, please see the ITAA Guidelines for Nominations and Granting of the Hedges Capers Humanitarian Award.
The Robert and Mary Goulding Social Justice Award
The Robert and Mary Goulding Social Justice Award is established to give recognition to persons who have broadened the application of Transactional Analysis through their teaching, training, writing and/or direct professional work in the promotion of social justice. The nominee will have advanced through professional work and personal modeling the core principles of the Gouldings’ theory: self-determination; personal responsibility; direct action and affirming relationships. The nominee will have contributed, in their own way, by any or many of the following: disclosing unfairness, challenging injustices, protecting unfair practices, confronting perpetrators, questioning values that support injustice, enabling understanding and respect, encouraging equalitarian values, facilitating awareness of institutionalized injustices, funding social movements and even mounting public protests.
For more information, please see the ITAA Guidelines for Nominations and Granting of the Robert and Mary Goulding Social Justice Award.

Leonard Campos, the 2020 recipient of the Robert and Mary Goulding Social Justice Award.

Sylvie Monin and William Cornell, the 2019 recipients of the ITAA Servive Awards.
The ITAA Service Award
The ITAA Service Award was established to recognize members of the ITAA who have made a significant contribution to the advancement of the ITAA and to its development as an organization that promotes transactional analysis internationally, supports its members, and offers a social benefit to the public. Honorees will be recognized for their commitment, the nature of their service, and the “I’m OK, You’re OK” manner in which they conducted themselves in the process. The nominee will have demonstrated a generous spirit of service, responsibility, and effectiveness in their contribution to the life of the ITAA.
For more information, please see the ITAA Guidelines for Nominations and Granting of the ITAA Service Award.
The Fanita English Lifetime Achievement Award
The Fanita English Lifetime Achievement Award is established to celebrate any transactional analyst who has, through a lifetime of work and commitment, demonstrated creativity, excellence, and a spirit of internationalism in any field of transactional analysis. The person will have significantly contributed to the theory, application, teaching methods, and/or recognition of TA as a modality. They will have been an ITAA member for at least a large proportion of that time.
For more information, please see the ITAA Guidelines for Nominations and Granting of the Fanita English Lifetime Achievement Award.

Jean Illsley Clarke, TSTA (E) (1925–2021), 2022 ITAA Fanita English Lifetime Achievement Award.